The Bible
The Bible is God’s Word. Scripture is inspired by God (God breathed) not only in its general sense, but in every word. The Bible is God’s written revelation of Himself and His will to mankind. It is the highest authority in the church and the final judge of all church teaching. Every individual has the privilege and duty to study the Bible to know God and His will.
There is only one God. God is personal, eternal, holy, just, sovereign, and loving. God knows all things, is everywhere present, and is the source of all life. God is spirit and exists inde-pendently of the material universe. There are three coequal, coeternal yet distinct persons in the Godhead; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Material Universe
The material universe (all things, all life, mankind) was created by God in six literal days. The chief purpose of the universe is to bring glory to God. God rules over the entire created universe including mankind and He causes all things to work according to His will.